Last Summer Swim

Anna Himes’ family planned to come to Willow Valley last Sunday, but Ryan’s football event took priority, so she and the children came on Tuesday, August 20, instead.

Ryan started football for the first time this month and is on the Junior Varsity team. He will turn 12 on November 19, and had his orientation into 6th grade last week. He is especially interested in computers, and is looking forward to the Computer Club that is one of the many extra-curricular activities offered in his new school.

Molly will be 8 years old on September 26, and will be in 2nd grade. She is part of the girl’s field hockey team.

Leela turned 5 last June 13, and had her kindergarten orientation last week at the same school Molly attends. She will leave at 12:30 PM and return from school at the same time as Molly. She is learning to be a cheerleader for the Kindergarten football team.

Anna is chief scheduler for all this activity. Mike travels quite a bit now with his new responsibilities at Air Products, and Ryan informed me that he now has an office with windows and a lab instead of his old cubicle. It was so good to hear all these updates to life in a very active family.

After lunch they had a great time in the North pool while I watched.

They still enjoy the small rituals that are part of every visit.

Refreshments consist of root beer and small pretzels and Cheerios which they each take in a small bag for the ride home. They look at the pictures I entered in The Pictorial Record of the Best Family 2013 since the last time, many of which are of them. Ryan showed an interest in the booklet from Andy and Meghan’s wedding in Yosemite in 2011, perhaps because we are all looking forward to Geoff and Amanda’s wedding on September 1.

They left about 3 PM because they had to get home in time for dinner at 4:30, then football and cheerleading practice.

They are all growing up so fast! Every visit from family reminds Al and I how fortunate we are to be able to participate in their busy lives.

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