Matt Departs

On Thursday, April 17, 2014, Matt Best stopped in about 10 AM on his last round of visits to friends and relatives before leaving on Saturday, April 26, 2014, for Washington DC, where he will leave on Sunday for the Republic of Georgia.


We had several hours to hear about his experiences since his last visit, and his plans for the future. He expects to be a part of about 80 other Peace Corps volunteers in Georgia, 15 of which will be in Economic Development as he will, and the rest teachers. They will have orientation there for 3 months and then be assigned a location for 2 years.


He expects to spend Christmas in England with friends and to see us here next spring. He left for the Poconos about 12:30 to visit friends, and returned to Rochester NY, for Easter.







We are so glad for Facebook and iPhones and blogs which will keep us in contact over time and space. Here is their Easter photograph that I copied and one Jill posted today.

We are all proud of Matt’s decision to devote this time in his life and career to using his talents for others. We wish him Godspeed and pray for a safe journey and many fascinating experiences to tell us about.

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