A Grand Easter

Conversation before dinner

All of Nancy Bennett’s family came home to celebrate Gary’s 65th birthday and Easter Sunday. We had fifteen people, with three boys aged three, four, and five, and four dogs, including Willie, who sometimes thinks he is a boy, too. Michael and Rachel kept Henry, Jack, and Dillon busy upstairs while Elly and Gary prepared the delicious meal.
Matt Best joined us from NYC, and we had time to hear about Elly’s exciting plans for the summer. On May 14 she starts twelve weeks of work with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, and Hamilton LLP, including four weeks in June in Brussels, Belgium. In the fall she will be in London for the first semester of her third year of Georgetown University Law Center, and after graduation in May 2013 will start full time at Cleery.

Jaime and Amy are expecting their new baby on August 29, 2012, and will probably not be here again until after that big event. Geoff and Amanda are planning their wedding for September 1, 2013, in Abington, and both had much to share about their jobs. Al and I returned to Willow Valley about 5 PM, aglow with satisfaction about the Grand Day, and pleased with how much everyone seems to enjoy each others company.

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