Gary’s Birthday Weekend

Jaime and Amy Lassman arrived at Nancy and Gary Lassman’s home early on Thursday morning, April 4, 2013, from Lexington, KY, with Jack, five years old, and Reed, seven months old. Spring Break and Gary’s 66th birthday celebration were the occasions for all the family to get together for the first time since last Thanksgiving.

Matt Best arrived at Willow Valley from New York City on Friday evening, and went to Nancy and Gary’s with Al and I for a chance to catch up on what was new with all of us.




There is no greater satisfaction than feeding and holding your newest great grandchild. I was surprised by his big blue eyes and blond hair. He seems to be a very contented baby.




Matt was planning to participate on Saturday morning in the Garden Spot ½ Marathon in New Holland, and he and Gary had lots to talk about.




Monday April 8 was Gary’s 66th birthday anniversary, but we celebrated today with cake and singing.

Michael and Rachel arrived about 8 PM with Henry and Dillon, and Al and I stayed long enough to say Hello and then go home. Geoff and Amanda arrived on Friday evening after we left, and went back to Abington on Saturday evening.

Matt stayed with his Aunt Kathy Raffensberger in Leola Friday night, and she took these photos on Saturday at the marathon. Janet sent them to me by e-mail and Jill posted them on Facebook.




He came in 29th in the 1/2 marathon, but was 3rd in his age group of 35 – 39, according to their web site.






Elly arrived on Saturday afternoon from Washington, DC, and we had a chance to talk at length with her when we went to Nancy’s after church on Sunday morning. We had a delightful lunch together.

Elly had to return to Washington to complete the last three weeks of law school before exams started in May. Commencement will be on Sunday, May 19, and I am looking forward to going with Nancy and Gary for the weekend.

This is a Facebook photo of Meghan Talarowski’s Master’s class at Penn in Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning. Her commencement is on Monday, May 13th, but we are invited to attend a potluck bar-b-q on Saturday, May 11, at their new house at 4800 Springfield Avenue in Philadelphia. They plan to move there on Memorial Day, so it is a bring your own chair event.